.22 Calibre Historian

Crippled boy sits on wheelchair with two headed Huia by Liam Barr
.22 Calibre Historian

71 x 55.5cm, Oil on Canvas 2009 

A .22 calibre historian, alone in his emporium, his braces shan't deny the thrill, of yet another small bore kill, taken from the window sill. our poor mistaken boy. With precision tools sharp and true, straw, thread and a bit of glue, he made them look as good as new, our poor misshapen boy.

'What's shot's history; what's missed's mystery.' - The wholesale harvesting of NZ fauna to feed museums & collections has brought about devastating effect to our most treasured bird species. Here, the boy covets his freakish trophy, crippled by indifference, he fails to see the irony.
